Sa/06.08 | 23:00 - 00:30

sisters of the wind (Performance by Juliette Lizotte aka jujulove)


Let me take you to my world.•º

Sisters of the Wind
is the fruit of an artistic research on witches, ecofeminism, and science-fiction carried out between 2018 and 2021.It is a story woven through seven videos to be experienced in distinct ways: as an interactive audiovisual installation, as an interactive audiovisual performance*, or as a world-building workshop and role play session**.

Sisters… ˜o˚ ’’.)* ‘   ’’.’··º   ° ’’ ’ ‘ ·‘ ‘0’  .º•.· ·.˜  *,’,˚˚   ˚oº°•˜ The wind is returning, as it always does. Sometimes it blows so hard that it carries artifacts away from the cities it tore apart, seeds from far away places, trees that didn’t have enough time to grow stronger... That’s why you always seek a protected area to settle in, relocating as the wind comes and goes in waves. You are witches. You pay attention to the world and try to make sense of this life together through the phases of the moon from maiden to mother to crone. In your community, the feminine spirit dominates, and all gender expressions are celebrated. When your precarious life is threatened by an unsettling prophecy announcing a deadly wind that will prepare the earth for a new cycle, will you go on a journey to find the source of this wind? What will you discover on the way? How will this transform you, your sisters, and the earth forever?

Let’s embark together on this wonderful adventure!



Bio: jujulove is a world builder, a witch, a rave elf, an oracle... Inspired by feminist science fiction, manga, pop culture and fantasy, jujulove opens parallel worlds at 170bpm. jujulove aka Juliette Lizotte is a video maker, designer and DJ based between Amsterdam and Brussels. She is a resident on LYL radio and Kiosk Radio in Brussels, as well as an active member of Hackers & Designers in Amsterdam. 


Videos imagined, directed and edited by Juliette Lizotte

Costumes by Karen Huang

Make up by Elisabeth Mesnier

3D animation in collaboration with Philip Ullman

Movement research and choreography for Nightflight in collaboration with Annabel Reid

Screenplay development for the Abyss in collaboration with Antonia Brell

Starring: Annabel Reid, Beatriz Conefrey, Clémence Hilaire, Gregoire Devidal, Ivan Cheng, Juliette Lizotte, Karen Huang, Luan Barros, Manfreddi Coppolecchia, Sanae Oujjit, Sumin Lee, and Susan Kooi.

Original Soundtrack by jujulove in collaboration with Fabian Reichle and with the support of Arif Kornweitz

Typography: Impakt Nieuw 2019 and Spooky Hairy by Jung Lee Typefoundry 

The installation at Nest is designed by Juliette Lizotte, adapted from previous iterations of the work. It is developed with the technical support of Heerko van der Kooij, using using raspberry pis 3B+ and adapting an open source software coded by KenT2

Thank you to: Philip Ullman, Margarita Osipian, Rosa Poelmans, Hackers & Designers, Loes Bogers, Andoni Zamora, Jorge van den Eynde, María Pérez-Lozao, Melanie Bonajo, Manon Bachelier, Georgie Sinclair, Jo Kali, Emma van Meyeren, Anja Groten, Daniel van der Velde

This project was made possible with the kind support of the Talent Development Grant of Stimuleringsfonds.